When schools, families and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. ~Anne Henderson
Excel Community Connections (ECC) is receiving renewed focus this year as we work to build and grow our community after the last couple of challenging years. The ECC mission is to assist new families in joining our community and help all families make connections. The ECC committee aims to be a resource, a support, and a wealth of parent energy to our Excel Community - creating and maintaining connections between parents, families, and staff.
Events for the 2022-2023 school year are one of the ways that we are excited to harness the ECC mission. See our list of events below!
If you are interested in being a part of Excel Community Connection, please contact Tasha Cardenas or Erin McDougal We are always looking for more families to join and add to our network!
Excel Community Connections
Come celebrate the kids going back (or commiserate your baby leaving the nest) on the first day of school tomorrow with our Boohoo-Yahoo event in the park!
Immediately after the first day of school festivities at the school playground, head on over to the Michael Northy Park (just East of the school) for some coffee, pastries & mingling.
This is a great time to meet the PTO Board and visit with other families. We will be there to answer questions, laugh with you, or wipe your tears!
Mom's Night Out
Mark your calendar, the next Excel Mom's Night Out is coming up on Wednesday, October 5th! Watch for the Evite to RSVP which will be available via the Eagle Eye (PTO September Newsletter), the Eagle Update, and the Parents Facebook Page. If you want to be on the email list for future ECC events, please send an email to ecc@excelpto.org
Dad's Night Out
Mark your calendar, the next Excel Dad's Night Out is coming up at the end of September! If you want to be on the email list for future ECC events, please send an email to ecc@excelpto.org
Community Nights
More Information Coming Soon
Colorado Club
More Information Coming Soon